Goodbye Shirley
Created by Chris and Derenda one year ago
Dear Shirley, As our nearest neighbour we came to know you very early in our time in Spain. We were so impressed by your strength of character and determination. At the time Peter was recovering from heart surgery and you were, quite literally running the house. Fair enough, you may say, but your idea of “running the house” was to virtually rebuild it. If you need a wall knocking down or a floor tiled, and you did not know how best to do a job you would ask for practical assistance, watch and learn, then do the job. It is likely that this is how you will be remembered by many of your friends. Practical Shirley who would take on any job. We know you loved your home in Spain and so enjoyed spending so many happy hours in your garden.
We loved your cheerful manner, and approach to life which meant that nothing was ever a real problem. We have many happy memories of social gatherings at our homes and within Spain on numerous trips out to discover our adopted country.
We will miss you.
A beautiful garden now stands alone,
missing the one who nurtured it,
But now she is gone.
Her flowers still bloom, and the sun it still shines,
But the rain is like tear drops for the ones left behind.
Go on your way knowing that you will be missed by us and all your friends.
We have enjoyed having you in our lives.
Chris and Derenda